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US Constitution PDF Download

In this Post we have Provided US Constitution PDF as well as u.s. constitution amendments pdf, 27 Updates to the U.S. Constitution and also us bill of rights pdf which can be easily Downloadable by clicking the link below. You can visit our website WWW.click4pdf.com to download pdf of any novels ,book , eBook, notes, exam paper, syllabus etc.



US Constitution Fact:

  1. The oldest written national constitution in use EVER
  2. The main text comprises seven articles
  3. Constitution Day is celebrated on September 17, on the anniversary of the day the framers signed the document.
  4. James Madison, the father of the Constitution.
  5. It took 100days  to actually “frame” the Constitution.
  6. George Washington and James Madison were the only presidents who signed the Constitution.
  7. The word “democracy” does not appear even once in the Constitution.
  8. The only other language used in various parts of the Constitution is Latin.
  9. Four of the signers of the Constitution were born in Ireland.

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US Constitution PDF Download

Link1: US Constitution PDF Download


Link2: The Constitution of United States of America




Link4: Constitution of United States of America 1789 pdf

The Constitution of the United States of America: The Declaration of Independence, The Bill of Rights Paperback
by Founding Father

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U.S.  constitution amendments pdf or 27 Updates to the U.S. Constitution

List of amendments to the US Constitution

1st Amendment US Constitution


Protects freedom of religion, freedom of speech, freedom of the press, freedom of assembly and the right to petition the government.

US First Amendment (1791) PDF


2nd Amendment US Constitution


Protects the right to keep and bear arms

US Second Amendment (1791) PDF


3rd Amendment US Constitution

Restricts the quartering of soldiers in private homes

US Third Amendment (1791) pdf

4th Amendment US Constitution

Prohibits unreasonable searches and seizures and sets out requirements for search warrants based on probable cause

US Fourth Amendment (1791) PDF


5th Amendment US Constitution

Sets out rules for indictment by grand jury and eminent domain, protects the right to due process, and prohibits self-incrimination and double jeopardy

US Fifth Amendment (1791) PDF


6th Amendment US Constitution

Protects the right to a speedy public trial by jury, to notification of criminal accusations, to confront the accuser, to obtain witnesses and to retain counsel

US Sixth Amendment (1791) PDF


7th Amendment US Constitution

Provides for the right to a jury trial in civil lawsuits

US Seventh Amendment (1791) PDF


8th Amendment US Constitution

Prohibits excessive fines and excessive bail, as well as cruel and unusual punishment

US Eighth Amendment (1791) PDF


9th Amendment US Constitution

States that rights not enumerated in the Constitution are retained by the people

US Ninth Amendment (1791) PDF


10th Amendment US Constitution

States that the federal government possesses only those powers delegated, or enumerated, to it through the Constitution, and that all other powers are reserved to the States.

US Tenth Amendment (1791) PDF


11th Amendment US Constitution

Makes states immune from suits from out-of-state citizens and foreigners not living within the state borders; lays the foundation for state sovereign immunity

US Eleventh Amendment (1795) PDF


12th Amendment US Constitution

Revises presidential election procedures by having the president and vice president elected together as opposed to the vice president being the runner up in the presidential election

US Twelfth Amendment (1804) PDF


13th Amendment US Constitution

Abolishes slavery, and involuntary servitude, except as punishment for a crime

US Thirteenth Amendment (1865)PDF


14th Amendment US Constitution

Defines citizenship, contains the Privileges or Immunities Clause, the Due Process Clause, and the Equal Protection Clause, and deals with post–Civil War issues
US Fourteenth Amendment (1868) PDF


15th Amendment US Constitution

Prohibits the denial of the right to vote based on race, color or previous condition of servitude
US Fifteenth Amendment (1870) PDF


16th Amendment US Constitution–Income Tax  

Permits Congress to levy an income tax without apportioning it among the various states or basing it on the United States Census

US Sixteenth Amendment (1913) PDF 


17th Amendment US Constitution Popular Election of Senators  

Establishes the direct election of United States senators by popular vote

US Seventeenth Amendment (1913)PDF


prohibition of intoxicating liquors eighteenth amendment 

Prohibited the manufacturing or sale of alcohol within the United States
(Repealed December 5, 1933, via the 21st Amendment)

US Eighteenth Amendment (1919) PDF


19th Amendment US Constitution–Women’s Suffrage Rights 

Prohibits the denial of the right to vote based on sex

US Nineteenth Amendment (1920) PDF


20th Amendment US Constitution 

Changes the dates on which the terms of the president and vice president, and of members of Congress, begin and end, to January 20 and January 3 respectively. States that if the president-elect dies before taking office, the vice president–elect is to be inaugurated as President.

US Twentieth Amendment (1933) PDF 


21st Amendment US Constitution – U.S. Census Bureau

Repeals the 18th Amendment and makes it a federal offense to transport or import intoxicating liquors into U.S. states and territories where such is prohibited by law

US Twenty-first Amendment (1933) PDF


22nd Amendment US Constitution–Presidential Tenure

Limits the number of times a person can be elected president.

US Twenty-second Amendment (1951) PDF


23rd Amendment US Constitution

Grants the District of Columbia electors in the Electoral College

US Twenty-third Amendment (1961) PDF


24th Amendment US Constitution

Prohibits the revocation of voting rights due to the non-payment of a poll tax or any other tax

Twenty-fourth Amendment (1964) PDF


25th Amendment US Constitution

Addresses succession to the presidency and establishes procedures both for filling a vacancy in the office of the vice president and responding to presidential disabilities

US Twenty-fifth Amendment (1967) PDF

26th Amendment US Constitution

Prohibits the denial of the right of US citizens, 18 years of age or older, to vote on account of age

US Twenty-sixth Amendment (1971)PDF


27th Amendment US Constitution–Congressional Pay Limitation

PDF Delays laws affecting Congressional salary from taking effect until after the next election of representatives

US Twenty-seventh Amendment (1992)



Download United States Bill of Rights PDF free

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