[PDF]IIT JAM 2010-2023 Previous year Paper PDF

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[PDF]IIT JAM 2010-2023 Previous year Paper PDF

[PDF]IIT JAM  Previous year Paper PDF

Last 10 Year IIT JAM  Paper PDF


In this Post we have provided the Previous Year question paper of various post at IIT JAM 2022-23 pdf with answer key Because previous year question paper play very crucial role to understand exam pattern and define target for future exam. It also show our level of preparation and level of hard work and dedication which we require to crack the any exam.

Suggestion in English

  Benefits of Solving Previous year paper
  1. You get an idea of types of Question and exam Pattern and your Level of preparation.
  2. By Solving Previous year Paper you will become familiar with challenges you are going to face in real exam
  3. Some times previous year question repeat in real exam this is where you lead other who did not solved paper.
  4. time management, speed, Accuracy Skill improve.
  5. problem Solving skill become as practice more and more Papers
  6. If you are doing mistakes while practice previous year paper this will stop you doing that mistake again in real exam.

            Tips To crack the any Exam

  1. first understand the exam pattern and read all eligibility criterion related to that particular exam.
  2. Understand the syllabus
  3. analyze previous year exam papers and define your target
  4. cover each subject and topic at least once and make your own notes
  5. follow limited single resource or same related material don’t run for collecting exam material .
  6. Revision of your notes and previous year papers
  7. give test before some day of exam
  8. lastly don’t panic just give your exam with free mind and feel relax before exam

Above point are just suggestion to crack any exam these strategy may not be suitable for every candidates so you can change your preparation strategy if you have better plan and enjoy.

Please Visit our website click4pdf.com for all future exam study material and previous year paper syllabus ,exam pattern etc.

Best of Luck

हिंदी में सुझाव

इस पोस्ट में हमने उत्तर कुंजी के साथ IIT JAM 2022-23 में विभिन्न क्षेत्रों में विभिन्न पदों के पिछले वर्ष के प्रश्नपत्र उपलब्ध कराए हैं क्योंकि पिछले वर्ष के प्रश्न पत्र परीक्षा पैटर्न और भविष्य की परीक्षा के लक्ष्य को समझने में बहुत महत्वपूर्ण भूमिका निभाते हैं। यह हमारे स्तर की तैयारी और कड़ी मेहनत और समर्पण के स्तर को भी दर्शाता है जो हमें किसी भी परीक्षा को पास करने के लिए आवश्यक है।

     पिछले वर्ष के पेपर को हल करने के लाभ

1.आपको प्रश्न के प्रकार और परीक्षा पैटर्न और आपकी तैयारी के स्तर का अंदाजा हो जाता है।
2.पिछले वर्ष के पेपर को हल करके आप वास्तविक परीक्षा में आने वाली चुनौतियों से परिचित हो जाएंगे
3.कुछ बार पिछले वर्ष के प्रश्न वास्तविक परीक्षा में दोहराए जाते हैं, यह वह जगह है जहाँ आप दूसरे का नेतृत्व करते हैं जिन्होंने पेपर हल नहीं किया।
4.समय प्रबंधन, गति, सटीकता कौशल में सुधार।
5.समस्या समाधान कौशल अधिक से अधिक अभ्यास के रूप में बनें पेपर
यदि आप पिछले वर्ष के पेपर का अभ्यास करते समय गलतियाँ कर रहे हैं तो यह आपको वास्तविक परीक्षा में उस गलती को फिर से करने से रोकेगा।

    किसी भी परीक्षा को पास करने के टिप्स

1.पहले परीक्षा पैटर्न को समझें और उस विशेष परीक्षा से संबंधित सभी पात्रता मानदंड पढ़ें।
2.सिलेबस को समझें
3.पिछले वर्ष के परीक्षा पत्रों का विश्लेषण करें और अपने लक्ष्य को परिभाषित करें
4.प्रत्येक विषय और विषय को कम से कम एक बार कवर करें और अपने नोट्स बनाएं
5.सीमित एकल संसाधन या समान संबंधित सामग्री का पालन करें परीक्षा सामग्री एकत्र करने के लिए न चलें।
6.अपने नोट्स और पिछले वर्ष के प्रश्नपत्रों का संशोधन
7.परीक्षा के कुछ दिन पहले परीक्षा दें
8.अंत में घबराएं नहीं बस अपनी परीक्षा को स्वतंत्र दिमाग से Exam दें और परीक्षा से पहले feel comfortable आराम महसूस करें

उपरोक्त बिंदु किसी भी परीक्षा को क्रैक करने के लिए सिर्फ सुझाव हैं, ये रणनीति हर उम्मीदवार के लिए उपयुक्त नहीं हो सकती है, इसलिए यदि आपके पास बेहतर योजना है और इसका आनंद लें तो आप अपनी तैयारी की रणनीति बदल सकते हैं।


The previous year question papers help improve accuracy as well as increase the speed of attempting questions quickly. The table below contains the year wise IIT JAM 2022-23 Previous Year Question Papers.



IIT JAM 2022-23 Previous Year Paper PDF

IIT JAM Previous Year Paper PDF

IIT JAM Question Paper PDF(for Last 5 Years)

Download ————– Answer key the Joint Admission Test Question Papers for the last 5 years from the table given below: –


IIT JAM Mathematical Statistics (MS) Previous Year Paper PDF

  1. IIT JAM Mathematical Statistics (MS) 2022 Paper PDF Download ————– Answer key
  2. IIT JAM Mathematical Statistics (MS) 2021 Paper PDF Download ————– Answer key
  3. IIT JAM Mathematical Statistics (MS) 2020 Paper PDF Download ————– Answer key
  4. IIT JAM Mathematical Statistics (MS) 2019 Paper PDF Download ————– Answer key
  5. IIT JAM Mathematical Statistics (MS) 2018 Paper PDF Download ————– Answer key
  6. IIT JAM Mathematical Statistics (MS) 2017 Paper PDF Download ————– Answer key
  7. IIT JAM Mathematical Statistics (MS) 2016 Paper PDF Download ————– Answer key
  8. IIT JAM Mathematical Statistics (MS) 2015 Paper PDF Download ————– Answer key
  9. IIT JAM Mathematical Statistics (MS) 2014 Paper PDF Download ————– Answer key
  10. IIT JAM Mathematical Statistics (MS) 2013 Paper PDF Download ————– Answer key
  11. IIT JAM Mathematical Statistics (MS) 2012 Paper PDF Download ————– Answer key
  12. IIT JAM Mathematical Statistics (MS) 2011 Paper PDF Download ————– Answer key
  13. IIT JAM Mathematical Statistics (MS) 2010 Paper PDF Download ————– Answer key

IIT JAM Mathematics Previous Year Paper PDF

  1. IIT JAM Mathematical 2022 Paper PDF Download ————– Answer key
  2. IIT JAM Mathematical 2021 Paper PDF Download ————– Answer key
  3. IIT JAM Mathematical 2020 Paper PDF Download ————– Answer key
  4. IIT JAM Mathematical 2019 Paper PDF Download ————– Answer key
  5. IIT JAM Mathematical 2018 Paper PDF Download ————– Answer key
  6. IIT JAM Mathematical 2017 Paper PDF Download ————– Answer key
  7. IIT JAM Mathematical 2016 Paper PDF Download ————– Answer key
  8. IIT JAM Mathematical 2015 Paper PDF Download ————– Answer key
  9. IIT JAM Mathematical 2014 Paper PDF Download ————– Answer key
  10. IIT JAM Mathematical 2013 Paper PDF Download ————– Answer key
  11. IIT JAM Mathematical 2012 Paper PDF Download ————– Answer key
  12. IIT JAM Mathematical 2011 Paper PDF Download ————– Answer key
  13. IIT JAM Mathematical 2010 Paper PDF Download ————– Answer key


IIT JAM Geology Previous Year Paper PDF

  1. IIT JAM Geology 2022 Paper PDF Download ————– Answer key
  2. IIT JAM Geology 2021 Paper PDF Download ————– Answer key
  3. IIT JAM Geology 2020 Paper PDF Download ————– Answer key
  4. IIT JAM Geology 2019 Paper PDF Download ————– Answer key
  5. IIT JAM Geology 2018 Paper PDF Download ————– Answer key
  6. IIT JAM Geology 2017 Paper PDF Download ————– Answer key
  7. IIT JAM Geology 2016 Paper PDF Download ————– Answer key
  8. IIT JAM Geology 2015 Paper PDF Download ————– Answer key
  9. IIT JAM Geology 2014 Paper PDF Download ————– Answer key
  10. IIT JAM Geology 2013 Paper PDF Download ————– Answer key
  11. IIT JAM Geology 2012 Paper PDF Download ————– Answer key
  12. IIT JAM Geology 2011 Paper PDF Download ————– Answer key
  13. IIT JAM Geology 2010 Paper PDF Download ————– Answer key

IIT JAM Chemistry Previous Year Paper PDF

  1. IIT JAM Chemistry 2022 Paper PDF Download ————– Answer key
  2. IIT JAM Chemistry 2021 Paper PDF Download ————– Answer key           Answer key
  3. IIT JAM Chemistry 2020 Paper PDF Download ————– Answer key
  4. IIT JAM Chemistry 2019 Paper PDF Download ————– Answer key
  5. IIT JAM Chemistry 2018 Paper PDF Download ————– Answer key
  6. IIT JAM Chemistry 2017 Paper PDF Download ————– Answer key
  7. IIT JAM Chemistry 2016 Paper PDF Download ————– Answer key
  8. IIT JAM Chemistry 2015 Paper PDF Download ————– Answer key
  9. IIT JAM Chemistry 2014 Paper PDF Download ————– Answer key
  10. IIT JAM Chemistry 2013 Paper PDF Download ————– Answer key
  11. IIT JAM Chemistry 2012 Paper PDF Download ————– Answer key
  12. IIT JAM Chemistry 2011 Paper PDF Download ————– Answer key
  13. IIT JAM Chemistry 2010 Paper PDF Download ————– Answer key

IIT JAM Biotechnology (BT) Previous Year Paper PDF


  1. IIT JAM Biotechnology (BT) 2022 Paper PDF Download ————– Answer key
  2. IIT JAM Biotechnology (BT) 2021 Paper PDF Download ————– Answer key     Answer key
  3. IIT JAM Biotechnology (BT) 2020 Paper PDF Download ————– Answer key
  4. IIT JAM Biotechnology (BT) 2019 Paper PDF Download ————– Answer key
  5. IIT JAM Biotechnology (BT) 2018 Paper PDF Download ————– Answer key
  6. IIT JAM Biotechnology (BT) 2017 Paper PDF Download ————– Answer key
  7. IIT JAM Biotechnology (BT) 2016 Paper PDF Download ————– Answer key
  8. IIT JAM Biotechnology (BT) 2015 Paper PDF Download ————– Answer key
  9. IIT JAM Biotechnology (BT) 2014 Paper PDF Download ————– Answer key
  10. IIT JAM Biotechnology (BT) 2013 Paper PDF Download ————– Answer key
  11. IIT JAM Biotechnology (BT) 2012 Paper PDF Download ————– Answer key
  12. IIT JAM Biotechnology (BT) 2011 Paper PDF Download ————– Answer key
  13. IIT JAM Biotechnology (BT) 2010 Paper PDF Download ————– Answer key

IIT JAM Economics(EN) Previous Year Paper PDF

  1. IIT JAM Economics 2022 Paper PDF Download ————– Answer key
  2. IIT JAM Economics 2021 Paper PDF Download ————– Answer key
  3. IIT JAM Economics 2020 Paper PDF Download ————– Answer key
  4. IIT JAM Economics 2019 Paper PDF Download ————– Answer key
  5. IIT JAM Economics 2018 Paper PDF Download ————– Answer key
  6. IIT JAM Economics 2017 Paper PDF Download ————– Answer key
  7. IIT JAM Economics 2016 Paper PDF Download ————– Answer key
  8. IIT JAM Economics 2015 Paper PDF Download ————– Answer key
  9. IIT JAM Economics 2014 Paper PDF Download ————– Answer key
  10. IIT JAM Economics 2013 Paper PDF Download ————– Answer key
  11. IIT JAM Economics 2012 Paper PDF Download ————– Answer key
  12. IIT JAM Economics 2011 Paper PDF Download ————– Answer key
  13. IIT JAM Economics 2010 Paper PDF Download ————– Answer key
  1. IISc INTEGATED Ph.D 2012 Paper PDF Link
  2. IISc INTEGATED Ph.D 2011 Paper PDF Link
  3. IISc INTEGATED Ph.D 2010 Paper PDF Link
  4. IISc INTEGATED Ph.D 2009 Paper PDF Link
  5. IISc INTEGATED Ph.D 2008 Paper PDF Link
  6. IISc INTEGATED Ph.D 2007 Paper PDF Link
  1. IISc MATERIAL SCIENCE 2013 Paper PDF Link
  2. IISc MATERIAL SCIENCE 2012 Paper PDF Link
  3. IISc MATERIAL SCIENCE 2011 Paper PDF Link
  4. IISc MATERIAL SCIENCE 2010 Paper PDF Link
  5. IISc MATERIAL SCIENCE 2009 Paper PDF Link
  6. IISc MATERIAL SCIENCE 2008 Paper PDF Link


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[PDF]IIT JAM 2022-23 Previous year Paper PDF

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