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What is D2M Technology ? all about D2M Technology

Recently in India Department of Telecommunications (DoT) and Prasar Bharati, India’s public service broadcaster, are experimenting with a technology that allows video and other forms of multimedia content to be sent straight to mobile phones without need of an active internet connection

The technology, called ‘direct-to-mobile’ (D2M) broadcasting  ,it is also called Direct-to-mobile (D2M) technology

In this post we will understand what is D2M and what is benefits and how its work in detailed manner

What is Direct-to-mobile (D2M) technology? or What is direct-to-mobile broadcasting?

To understand the concept of D2M  first we have to understand the concept of D2H(direct to home Broadcasting)

Direct To Home (DTH) Technology – Working

Direct to Home technology in short D2H refers to the satellite television broadcasting process which is intended for home reception originally this technology called direct  broadcasting satellite (DBS). This technology was developed to compete with local cable TV distribution service by providing good quality signal with increase in number of channel.

In short, D2H refers to the reception of satellite signals on a TV with a personal dish in an individual home. The satellites that are used for D2H services is geostationary satellites. The satellites compress the signals digitally, encrypt them and then are beamed from high powered geostationary satellites. They are received by dishes that are given to the DTH consumers by DTH providers. you can understand this easily with help of image given bellow

Image Source: Vasuki Belavadi youtube channel link

so we have understood the DTH technology the same concept has been used in D2M technology

  • The D2M technology allows to broadcast video and other multimedia content directly to mobile phones, without active internet connection. this means that you can watch videos, cricket live, Netflix, Hotstar , YouTube  etc. without any use of Internet connection you just need to have your mobile phone
  • It is based on the convergence of broadband and broadcast. Using this technology, mobile phones will be able to receive terrestrial digital TV signal.
  • It is similar FM radio on mobile phones, in which phone can tap into radio frequencies.

Direct-to-mobile (D2M) technology working

The concept of D2M technology is a lot similar to FM radio in our mobile phone, where a receiver within the device can tap into different radio frequencies . The tech is a combination of broadband and broadcast, using which mobile phones able to capture territorial digital TV signals. Using D2M, multimedia content can be beamed to phones directly without using an active internet connection.

It’s an indigenous ‘Made in India’ technology, and it is the first of its kind in the world. D2M is going to revolutionary content delivery, especially video content. because Consumers today are watching videos on their phones; As per statistic, India has around 622 million active internet users in 2020. Another report revealed that India’s monthly data consumption reached 17GB per user in 2021.

Benefits of the D2M technology ||

What are the uses of D2M technology?

  • Through the D2M technology, consumers would be able to access multimedia content from Over The Top (OTT) or Video on Demand (VoD) content platforms without using any mobile data this will save the mobile data.This will help consumers cut down on their spending on data
  • This service would be provided at a nominal rate. It will also allow people from rural areas, where internet access is not present or is limited, to watch video content.
  • D2M technology will also enable the telecom service providers to offload video traffic for businesses for their mobile network on the broadcast network. It will thus help them in decongesting valuable mobile spectrum.
  • The technology would improve usage of mobile spectrum and free up bandwidth, thus reducing the call drops and increasing data speeds etc.

What are the challenges?

DoT is currently carrying out a feasibility study. To bring key stakeholders like mobile operators onboard is going to be “biggest challenge” in launching D2M technology on a wider scale.

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